Good morning. Please indulge us for a moment. We have not seen any coverage of the deplorable condition of Eugene and the increased crime rate Eugene suffers. We have provided you with pictorial evidence of same. However, your organization has not opted to report. EugeneAdvocates for a Clean City's goal was only to point out the challenges of Eugene and most importantly offer suggested solutions. Our hope was that it would spur the Mayor and Council to immediately offer corrective action. We do not wish to be the focus, only work on the solutions. That is our position. Who we are and why we are doing this is immaterial.
Please allow us to draw on a story about Warren Buffett. Mr. Buffett lives in Omaha, Nebraska, and had an opportunity to buy one of the local Omaha newspapers. He immediately influenced the Sun Newpaper staff to conduct investigative reporting which they had not been allowed to do before his purchase. The result was a Pulitizer Prize Award winning story on children's activities in Omaha. The newspaper went on to be an award winning publication. While this may not be your goal for your organization, the reason for this short story is that your publication may be well served in these tough economic times to have your reporters engage in investigative reporting and the fact that Eugene has been struggling with crime and lack of revitalization of downtown Eugene for years would be a prime example of a good story. The information provided by EugeneAdvocates would be an excellent starting point.
EugeneAdvocates for a Clean City