Monday, October 12, 2009

Eugene Counts Workshop

Opportunity knocks for all of us to be heard on october 14th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. If you want to make a difference in the safety of our city please go forth and tell them what you feel is wrong with the downtown area.

If we don't speak out at this meeting we have no reason to complain about our eugene downtown situations.

Eugeneadvocates for a clean city.

Eugene Counts Community Workshop
October 14, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Council Chamber, City Hall

Join the conversation

How do we know we are truly doing well? Achieving the results our community cares most about?

Driven by the belief that sharper focus leads to better results, Eugene Counts is a partnership between residents and City government designed to identify priorities so we can concentrate on achieving the outcomes that matter most.

Through a series of workshops, discussions, interviews and surveys, this effort will develop a clearer picture of the concrete results our community would like to achieve, anchored in the framework provided by the City Council’s vision and goals. This will help inform decision-making in a number of ways, ranging from service delivery improvements to resource allocation. Results will be measured and shared transparently, to see whether the initiatives we undertake are contributing to achieving the outcomes our community seeks.

Make your voice count today

Influence the community's direction. Please take a little time to complete the Eugene Counts Survey.

Click here to take the full-length survey
Only have a few minutes? Click here to take the quick version

Presione aqui para tomar la encuesta en Español.

Plan to attend the Eugene Counts Community Workshop, October 14, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the City Council Chamber

eugene counts council vision1

City Council Vision and Goals


Value all people, encouraging respect and appreciation for diversity, equity, justice, and social well-being. We recognize and appreciate our differences and embrace our common humanity as the source of our strength;

Be responsible stewards of our physical assets and natural resources. We will sustain our clean air and water, beautiful parks and open spaces, livable and safe neighborhoods, and foster a vibrant downtown, including a stable infrastructure;

Encourage a strong, sustainable and vibrant economy, fully utilizing our educational and cultural assets, so that every person has an opportunity to achieve financial security.


Safe Community
A community where all people are safe, valued and welcome.

Sustainable Development
A community that meets its present environmental, economic and social needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Accessible and Thriving Culture and Recreation
A community where arts and outdoors are integral to our social and economic well-being and are available to all.

Effective, Accountable Municipal Government
A government that works openly, collaboratively, and fairly with the community to achieve measurable and positive outcomes and provide effective, efficient services.

Fair, Stable, and Adequate Financial Resources
A government whose ongoing financial resources are based on a fair and equitable system of revenues and are adequate to maintain and deliver municipal services.