We are all proud of our City and the positive awards it has won.........
"There is no doubt that we are an engaged community that participates at a high level. I consider that a good thing and not at all unusual for a university community. It is the essence of democracy. In no small part this is the reason we are recognized across the nation for being both one of the most sustainable communities (National Geographics Green Guide) and one of the best to have a business in (Forbes). We end up at the top of many lists as best place to run, to retire, to bike, etc."
Kitty (the Mayor)
(NOTE: Mayor AND Council please remember that Eugene is on the top of the list of fastest growing crime rates in cities of 100,000 people or more--lets not forget this --our most recent "unpleasant top award." Collectively we need to all work on fixing this. We all hold out great hopes for the Council work session on this matter scheduled for November 23rd at 5:30pm)
EugeneAdvocates for a Clean City