Where would you rather shop downtown or...........
would your family feel safer here?
Mayor and City Council:
Ask yourselves the following questions and act now to help our downtown merchants draw families back to downtown Eugene. Further delay is unacceptable. The buck stops with the Mayor and the Council and it is up to each of you to step forward and insist no further public meetings, no more lip service, just clean up our city so we can draw investors, business owners, and patrons. Without that we will see Eugene downtown continue to deteriorate. Please act now to immediately implement non-budgetary impacting solutions that are available and have been provided to you.
EugeneAdvocates for a Clean City
Ask yourselves the following questions and act now to help our downtown merchants draw families back to downtown Eugene. Further delay is unacceptable. The buck stops with the Mayor and the Council and it is up to each of you to step forward and insist no further public meetings, no more lip service, just clean up our city so we can draw investors, business owners, and patrons. Without that we will see Eugene downtown continue to deteriorate. Please act now to immediately implement non-budgetary impacting solutions that are available and have been provided to you.
EugeneAdvocates for a Clean City