Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Budgeting Starts This Evening

Budgeting for Eugene starts this evening......

The City of Eugene budget process starts this evening. Sorry for the short notice but we just received it. There is time at 5:30pm to give public testimony. If you support the actions of the Council and Public Safety it would a good time to voice your concerns. Below please find the information.

EugeneAdvocates for a Clean City

"Attached please find a copy of the City of Eugene Budget Committee packet for the meeting that will be held on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm at the Bascom-Tykeson Room of the Downtown Library. An electronic version of the packet is also available on the City's web site at [http://www.eugene-or.gov/budgetcommittee].

Citizens are encouraged to express their views on the City budget and funding priorities. Public testimony will be taken at the beginning of the meeting starting at 5:30 pm. Each speaker has up to three minutes to share his or her views on the budget. You may also provide your feedback to the Eugene Budget Committee at [http://www.eugene-or.gov/budgetcommittee].

The meeting will be televised on MetroTV, Channel 21, and the webcast recording will be available the following business day on the City's website at http://www.eugene-or.gov; however, there will be no live webcast available.

Pavel Gubanikhin
Budget Analyst"